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Expert Water Heater Installation and Repair

If you need quick and reliable water heater installation and repair in Olympia, WA and surrounding areas, our team at Yelm Plumbing and Pumps is ready to help. We know it’s vital to have hot water in your home or business. That’s why we respond to your call and arrange to complete the services you need at affordable prices. Our highly experienced plumbing team can answer your questions and provide maintenance services when needed. Get in touch with us now to schedule our expert water heater services.

water heater installation

Complete Water Heater Installation and Repair Services

Our experienced and skilled plumbing team at Yelm Plumbing and Pumps offers various services to meet your water heater needs. These include the following:

  • Installation—Whether you’re looking to upgrade your old water heater system or install a tankless water heater, our team can handle the task with precision and efficiency. We will help you choose the best type and size of water heater that fits your budget and hot water requirements.
  • Maintenance—Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your water heater system functioning at its best. Our team offers comprehensive maintenance services that include cleaning, inspecting, and troubleshooting potential issues to keep your system running efficiently.
  • Repair—Our plumbers can diagnose and repair the issue quickly if your water heater shows signs of malfunction, such as strange noises, inconsistent hot water supply, or leaks.

Why Choose Us for Water Heater Installation and Repair?

At Yelm Plumbing and Pumps, our highly skilled and experienced technicians take pride in delivering exceptional service every time. We aim to ensure a reliable and fully functioning water heater system that meets all your hot water demands. Here are some reasons why you should choose our team for your water heater installation and repair needs:


Our team comprises licensed and certified technicians with years of experience handling all water heater systems. They have the knowledge and skills to handle installation or repair efficiently.

Quality Service

We use only top-of-the-line equipment and materials for our installations and repairs, ensuring you receive high-quality service that will keep your water heater system running smoothly for years.

Timely Response

We understand that a malfunctioning water heater can disrupt and cause inconvenience to your daily routine. That's why we offer prompt response times to resolve your issue quickly.


We believe quality service shouldn't come at a high cost. That's why we offer reasonable prices for all our services, making them affordable for anyone needing water heater installation or repair.

Let Our Plumbing Professionals Install and Repair Your Water Heater

At Yelm Plumbing and Pumps, we provide fast and efficient water heater installation and repair in Olympia, WA, and surrounding areas. Our expert team delivers high-quality service with timely responses, ensuring we meet your plumbing needs. So, whether you need a new installation or a repair, we offer affordable and comprehensive services tailored to your needs. Count on us for reliable solutions to keep your water heater running smoothly. Contact us now to schedule installation or repair services for your home or business and experience the difference our professional plumbing care can make.

Contact Us to Get an Estimate for Plumbing Services