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Professional Sewer Line Repair in Olympia, WA

Yelm Plumbing and Pumps provides quick and effective sewer line repair in Olympia, WA and surrounding areas. A damaged or clogged sewer line can cause significant inconveniences and health hazards for you and your family. We strive to provide prompt and efficient solutions to all sewer line issues. Our highly skilled technicians have the latest tools and technology to tackle any sewer line problem efficiently. We use non-invasive methods, such as video camera inspections, to quickly identify the root cause of the issue and provide targeted solutions.

couple shaking hands with plumber in home

Common Sewer Line Problems

Sewer problems can be a significant headache, but Yelm Plumbing and Pumps is here to help. Our plumbing professionals handle all types of sewer issues, big or small. Here are some of the most common sewer problems we address:

  • Corroded Sewer Lines—Due to age and external factors, sewer lines can corrode over time, causing leaks, clogs, and even total line failure.
  • Clogged Drains—Soap, hair, food particles, and grime can build up in drains, leading to blockages. Persistent clogs can reduce water flow and cause backups in your plumbing system.
  • Broken Pipes—Pipes can break due to age, shifting ground, or external damage. A broken pipe can lead to severe water damage and disruption of service.
  • Sewer Ejector Issues—Sewer ejectors pump wastewater uphill to the main sewer line. Problems with ejector pumps can result in slow drainage or backups.
  • Invasive Tree Root Damage—Tree roots can infiltrate sewer lines, causing cracks and blockages. If left untreated, they can cause significant damage and costly repairs.

When Do I Need Sewer Line Replacement?

Knowing when to replace your sewer line can be tricky without an expert assessment. Our team at Yelm Plumbing and Pumps offers thorough inspections to help you determine the right course of action. If you notice any of the following issues, it might be time for a sewer line replacement:

Strange Toilet Sounds

Unusual noises can indicate a problem with your sewer system, such as a blockage or an issue with your pipes.

Persistent Clogs

If you experience recurring clogs, your pipes might be deteriorating. This situation often indicates deeper sewer line problems.

Overflowing Toilets

Toilets that overflow can indicate a severe sewer line obstruction. It’s crucial to address this issue as soon as possible.

Water Backing Up

Backed-up water in toilets or sinks could signal a sewer line problem, which you should address immediately.

Pooling Water in Basement Drains

Standing water in drains can indicate a sewer line blockage. It may require replacement to restore proper drainage.

Large Trees on Your Property

Tree roots can invade and damage pipes, causing irreparable harm. If large trees are present, consider letting us inspect your sewer line.

Let Our Team Complete Your Sewer Line Repair

Yelm Plumbing and Pumps is ready to respond and act quickly with sewer line repair in Olympia, WA, and surrounding areas. If you’ve encountered one of the common signs of sewer trouble, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We know these problems cause significant inconvenience and require quick action, so we offer fast emergency service to help you. Our professional team has experience providing a complete line of plumbing services and can restore complete functionality to your property. Contact us now if you’re experiencing a potential issue with your sewer line.

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