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Modernize Your Home With Our Re-Piping Service

Yelm Plumbing and Pumps provides plumbing system upgrades with durable re-pipes in Olympia, WA and surrounding areas. We can often fix leaky pipes with simple repairs or one-off pipe section replacements, but more serious problems require an advanced procedure. Re-piping is replacing aging plumbing systems with new and improved piping installations. It can prevent water flow reduction, eliminate rust-colored water, and save money on future repairs. We use the finest materials to give you a plumbing system that lasts decades. Get in touch with us to learn more about our re-piping service.

sink drain repair

When Do I Know My Property Needs Re-Piping?

Knowing when to re-pipe your property can be tricky, but there are some signs that you should look out for. If you’re experiencing constant issues with your plumbing system, it may be time for a re-pipe. Here are some common indicators that you need to consider re-piping:

  • Aging Pipes—If your property is older and still has its original plumbing system, the pipes will likely have reached their lifespan and need replacement.
  • Frequent Leaks—Constant leaks may indicate deteriorating pipes. It’s essential to replace these pipes before they cause significant property damage.
  • Low Water Pressure—If you notice a significant decrease in water pressure, it could be due to old and clogged pipes that you should replace.
  • Rusty or Discolored Water—These are clear signs of corroded pipes affecting the quality of your water. Re-piping will improve water pressure and overall quality.

What Are the Benefits of Re-Piping?

Re-piping your property offers several key benefits that can improve your property’s plumbing system. If you’re considering a re-pipe for your home or business, here are some of the advantages:

Improved Water Pressure

New pipes increase water pressure throughout your property. You’ll notice a significant difference in water flow.

Better Water Quality

Replacing old, corroded pipes ensures cleaner, healthier water for everyday use, which is essential for your family’s health and comfort.

Prevent Future Plumbing Issues

A complete re-pipe eliminates the risk of leaks, bursts, and clogs caused by deteriorating pipes.

Increased Property Value

Upgrading your plumbing system can enhance your home’s value, making it more appealing to potential buyers.

Upgrade Your Property With Our Expert Re-Piping

Yelm Plumbing and Pumps has helped numerous people upgrade their plumbing systems with re-pipes in Olympia, WA and surrounding areas. Plumbing damage from older pipes can initially appear as leaks, but without a complete replacement, pipes can burst and cause extensive property damage. Instead of risking a serious issue, contact us now if you notice any signs of plumbing issues. We’ll provide an estimate and schedule your service with our expert plumbing technicians to complete your re-piping, giving you a new plumbing system that will last for years.

Contact Us to Get an Estimate for Plumbing Services