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Sewer Line Repair

Emergency Plumbing Services

Tankless Water Heaters

Reliable Plumbing Company Serving the Olympia, WA Area

Yelm Plumbing and Pumps is an experienced plumbing company serving the Olympia, WA area. We know your home or business is your sanctuary, so we’re committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with our plumbing services. With more than 30 years of industry experience, our plumbing team has the skills and knowledge to handle any plumbing issue. So, whether you need a quick toilet repair or a sewer line replacement, we provide the quality service you deserve. Get in touch with us to receive an estimate or to schedule an appointment.

Water Heater Installation & Repair
Sewer Line Repair
Tankless Water Heater
woman greeting plumber at door

Discover Why We Stand Above Our Competitors

At our plumbing company in Olympia, WA, our commitment to delivering unmatched service and reliability has helped us to stand above our competitors. Here’s why we’ve become the trusted choice for local home and business owners:

  • 24/7 Emergency Services—We’re always ready to tackle plumbing emergencies, no matter when they arise. Our team is available around the clock for quick, efficient solutions.
  • Upfront Pricing—You don’t need to worry about surprises or hidden fees because what we quote is what you pay. We believe in fair, transparent pricing for every job.
  • Complete Transparency—We keep you informed every step of the way, from start to finish. Our goal is to build trust and provide peace of mind with our plumbing services.

Expect the Best From Our Plumbing Professionals

At Yelm Plumbing and Pumps, we know there’s nothing worse than arriving home from work to a flooded basement or saturated front lawn. If you encounter these plumbing issues, our team is ready to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Our team has the experience and training to navigate the latest makes and models of plumbing systems, including pipes, fittings, valves, and other fixtures. They also have a background in handling plumbing systems in older homes and businesses. So, no matter the problem you experience, count on our plumbing team to provide the best care possible.

Get an Estimate for Our Plumbing Services

Whether you need a routine maintenance check or have an emergency plumbing issue, Yelm Plumbing and Pumps is your go-to plumbing company serving the Olympia, WA area. Contact us now for a free estimate, and let our experienced team take care of all your plumbing needs. You can relax knowing we can keep your home or business’s plumbing in optimal condition so you can focus on enjoying the comfort of your home or operating your business. Don’t forget to check our website for service coupons to take advantage of our discounts.